List of Sponsorships Available

Celebrate a simcha, like a relative's bar or bat mitzvah, a special birthday or wedding anniversary or even just a good grade on an exam, or remember a loved one who just passed away or on the anniversary of their death by sponsoring a program at Chabad House in their honor or memory.  Please review the list of sponsorships to find one that interests you. Email your choice to Rabbi Mayer at and the item you sponsor will be specially dedicated to the person you choose.

  • One Shabbat dinner - $360
  • One Shabbat lunch - $200
  • All of one student's Shabbat meals for an entire semester - $108
  • One week's challah baking - $125
  • A mezuzah for one student's dorm room - $40
  • Incoming student welcome packages (includes shipping costs) - $400
  • One Parsha Class - $54 
  • One graduate student event, such as Champagne and Sushi or Wine & Cheese - $300
  • Rosh Hashanah packages for all students - $350
  • One Rosh Hashana brisket dinner - $360
  • One Rosh Hashana lunch - $200
  • Yom Kippur break-the-fast - $180
  • Chanukah packages for all students -$300
  • Chanukah Party - $800
  • Tu B'Shvat Party - $250
  • Hamentashen-baking for Purim - $125
  • Purim packages for all students - $300
  • Purim Party - $1,500
  • Matzah packages for ten students for the entire week of Passover -$100
  • One Passover Seder - $1,500
  • Shavuot Ice Cream Party - $250 
  • One newsletter mailing - $360