What is Chabad?

Chabad House at UVA is a “home away from home” to hundreds of college students.  Providing a warm, open, non-judgmental, Jewish family atmosphere makes our niche in Charlottesville so unique.  Whether it’s our crowded Shabbat Dinners, or a personal visit during our families weeknight dinner hour, our doors are always open. Chabad House is here to foster a love of Judaism in the students and the greater Charlottesville community.  To encourage a love and connection to the Jewish people, the Torah, and the land of Israel.  Regardless of background or affiliation, Chabad accepts all Jews as equals and strives to make all who walk inside feel welcome.  There are no members or membership fees.

The name Chabad comes from the acronym Chachmah (wisdom) Binah (understanding) Daat (knowledge). Chabad’s philosophy defines the deepest dimension of G‑d’s Torah, teaches understanding and recognition of the Creator, the role and purpose of Creation, and the importance and unique mission of every Creature.  The teachings stress the importance of each Jewish soul and equate them with diamonds, both precious and rare.

Following its inception more than 250 years ago, the movement swept through Russia into all corners of the world. Today, more than 4000 shluchim (emissaries) direct more than 3300 institutions worldwide.  A workforce numbering in the tens of thousands teaches Judaism around the globe to Jews from all walks of life.  Whether on a college campus, in a large community, in a tourist attraction, running a drug rehab, managing a soup kitchen in Israel, or directing an orphanage in Russia, Chabad’s presence is ubiquitous.   Chabad centers are referred to as Chabad Houses, as is the case in Charlottesville.  Most are run by a husband and wife team and their families, who often live far away from family and friends just to ensure the continuity of the Jewish people. 

Rabbi Shlomo Mayer           Mrs. Channa Mayer

Co-Director                          Co-Director

[email protected]    [email protected]

The Mayer Kids: 

  • Reuvi 21
  • Meni 20
  • Esther 16
  • Zalman 15  
  • Yisroel 11
  • Bina 7